10 Mistakes You Should Avoid in Email Marketing - TrueMail

10 Mistakes You Should Avoid in Email Marketing

Using emails is this the most powerful way to conduct a marketing campaign. Of course, there are many methods to reach a wider audience, but in our digital era, email marketing campaign is one of the greatest ways to sell your services.

And better to learn about these mistakes beforehand and not from experience, which is, of course, good, but wouldn’t you rather avoid the mistake if this is possible?

Below we will observe 10 mistakes which may influence badly your whole email marketing campaign and the ways you can avoid them and reach your goal faster.

1. Finding leads in the wrong way

To carry out an email marketing campaign, you should have a list of people to email.

First of all – never send unsolicited emails. Buying lists of email addresses from some suspicious sources is not a good idea.

Doing so you not only have a risk to be blocked by your email marketing client but also most probably you will spend much more money than you obtain. Moreover, people don’t like to receive emails from services which are not relevant to them. Therefore most probably you will end up in a spam folder.

A good way to get leads is using lead generation tools, so you can build up a list of leads who want to receive your emails.

2) Not prioritizing quality

The emails you send should be of a certain standard if you want to reach your targets.

A high-quality email has not be too long or too short, include several images and provide value to your readers. Do not use many different fonts, too large images, italics and bolds which look inappropriate.

Sending emails of low quality will harm your campaign for sure. Your readers will open one, maybe two such messages. But after all, they will stop engaging with you. Therefore devote some time to make sure your emails are properly written.

3) Not personalizing the people

Don’t forget that people who receive your emails are not only your potential customers but just real people, who like to get personalized emails.

Be polite and kind and add some humour to the messages you send. People are people and they reply to politeness, kindness and smiling.

4) Not proper subject line

One of the greatest ways to personalize your email is to include your reader’s name in the subject line. For example: “Jack Brown – 10 reasons why you would love our product”.

Also change your sender field, so that it shows your name or your company name, but not something like “noreply”. People will unlikely open emails from unknown senders.

5) Lack of segmenting

Email list segmentation is definitely sometimes you should do.

What is it?

Email list segmentation is the process of dividing your email list into smaller groups depending on age, location, position etc.

It will help you to send to your readers the content which is relevant and useful to them.

When you send all your emails to everyone, it will only damage your marketing campaign.

If you still haven’t made a list segmentation, do it right now.

6) Not retargeting

Retargeting is one more thing along with segmentation which email marketers often don’t’ do. By the way, retargeting can also help to segment your list in future.

What is it?

Retargeting is the process of reaching back out to the potential customers after they have made a certain action that you tracked.

The process is the following: you check the content your subscribers observe and then target them with advertising that is relevant to that subject they were interested in. For example, someone visits your website and reads about washing machines, you can assume that they are interested in washing machines and therefore include them in a list that sends emails with offers related to washing machines.

7) Spamming

Well, this is obvious. Never spam your readers!

If you send a lot of emails to your subscribers – it will not help you much. Most people will just unsubscribe from you, but what is more important, if your emails will often be marked as spam, it will damage your sender score.

Make a schedule when you send your emails, and stick to it.

8) Not having a schedule

When you send too many emails, it’s not good. When you send emails at different times without schedule – it’s not good either.

You should create your schedule and follow it.

The main purpose of making a schedule – to make your subscribers know what day of the week to expect for your email, to make them look forward to it (of course if you have quality content).

There are no “perfect days” to send emails. You should make a text and find your perfect time on your own.

However, according to common researches, the most favourable days are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Wednesdays.

Create a schedule – and you will see an increase in the success rates of the marketing campaign.

9) Sending without testing

Always test your emails before sending them. Mistakes can always happen at any step. Make sure all the links are clickable and working, the images are showing correctly and there are no grammar mistakes.

10) Not validating your email list.

Unfortunately, not all the contact in your email list are valid, correct and still exist. People changes workplaces, change the email addresses and abandon their old ones.

Use the Email Verification Tool to prevent invalid emails damaging your sender score.

TrueMail (https://www.truemail.io) is one service for that. At TrueMail, we provide an excellent service that will clean and verify your email list and let you improve the profit of your email marketing campaign. TrueMail helps you erase the emails that are invalid and reduce the bounce rate.

Cleaning your email list is an essential step in creating a successful marketing campaign.

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Email verifier guaranteed up to 99% delivery emails

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If bounce more than 5%, we’ll refund the difference. Free to get started. No credit card required.